On the BBC

My wife Joan and I were featured on the BBC today. Twice!

For our wedding, I did some statistical modelling to optimise our invitation list. I wrote about it last year for the Young Writers Competition run by Significance, a popular statistics magazine. It was selected as the winning entry and published in the Aug 2013 issue.

This caught the eye of Tim Harford, the host of More or Less on BBC Radio 4. He interviewed both of us for today’s episode.

Ruth Alexander wrote an accompanying article for BBC News Magazine, also published today.

(Note: if you are streaming the episode from the website, our interview begins at 23:44. If you are listening to the podcast version, the interview begins at 22:53.)

Update: see my follow-up post for some more discussion.

3 thoughts on “On the BBC

    1. The BBC is well funded, they flew us up to London last week…

      …if only! Actually, we did it a few months ago, via an ISDN phone line from a recording studio at the University of Melbourne.

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